
Showing posts from September, 2024

Computer Basics - III

Hello readers👋 Today we will learn about the basics- part 3 of how a computer system works. If you haven't read part 1 or 2 of the computer basics then I would recommend you to first read it and then devour this blog. Link to part 1 -  Computer Basics - I Link to part 2 -  Computer Basics - II HTML, CSS & DOM HTML and CSS are the languages of the web. These languages are also essential if you want to become a Frontend-Developer/Engineer. HTML has tags which are seen as elements in the web browsers. There are - div tags (<div></div>) which creates a container.  input tags (<input type="text"/> which creates a textbox.  image tag (<img/>) which adds an image to a particular area To learn HTML & CSS in detail you can read this book -  W3Schools .  DOM can stand for  Document Object Model , a programming interface that represents HTML or XML documents as a tree structure. Document is the webpage that you end up seeing in th...

Computer Basics - II

Hello readers👋 Today we will learn about the basics- part 2 of how a computer system works. If you haven't read part 1 of the computer basics then I would recommend you to first read it and then devour this blog. Link to part 1 -  Computer Basics - I Backend & Frontend Fullstack Developers - They write both backend and frontend codes. Mobile Developers - They write code for android and iphone. Some developers specialize by doing one or the other.  Frontend and mobile developers write code that utilizes the backend code through Restful APIs.  HTML, CSS & JavaScript What is done on the backend and frontend? Backend codes cannot be accessed directly and are on the servers. They are secure there and you cannot see them. Frontend codes are accessible and but you should know where it is located/ where to look. They are insecure as they are present on the browser and are you can see them. HTML - Adds structure CSS - Makes the site pretty JavaScript - Built to work in th...

Computer Basics - I

Hello readers👋 Today we will learn about the basics of how a computer system works which will help us to study System design and its use in product management.  Binary Numbers: Our computers understand binary digits (i.e. 0 and 1) to perform various takes inside their system. To convert any binary number into decimal number we consider them as 2^n. Base 2 numeral has 2 symbols: 1 and 0. Both symbols are called a bit - binary digit.                          Example:  The total number of bits we have on our hard drive determines how many bits we can store. 8 bits of 1s and 0s are called a byte                                        01000001 = 1 byte = A (a character)                                        1024 byte = ...

Database (SQL)

Hello readers👋 Today we will practice some SQL questions😁 I am assuming you went through the website of W3Schools that I shared in my last blog. Even if you have not, I would urge you to go through it before you start solving the questions below :)  I would recommend you to solve the SQL50 plan of leetcode if you are revising your concepts or your PM interview is just around the corner. For structured solutions of this plan you can refer my Github Repository -  Link To sharpen your SQL problem solving skills you can check out the links below which have been segregated according to the level of difficulty. Easy All the filtered questions of leetcode All the filtered questions of Hackerrank MEDIUM All the filtered questions of leetcode All the filtered questions of Hackerrank HARD All the filtered questions of leetcode All the filtered questions of Hackerrank


Hello readers👋 Today we will learn about data and its components in product management.  1. Cohort Analysis📈 We use it to calculate customer retention and it is the most basic tool to check on our product advancement. We can calculate this using MS Excel or Tableau or any other application that you like. Link for Tableau understanding:  Youtube I will explain how to do cohort analysis using MS Excel in this blog → The tables that are already given to us are Customer Cohort and Net Revenue by Cohort The yellow and light red blocks are the total customers that the company has in that particular month To calculate percentage we use the formula cell value/the initial value of the month for customer retention by cohort table . For example = ( = D11 / $D11 ),( = E11 / $D11 ) and so on The net revenue by cohort shows the revenue generated by that particular cohort i.e. $1,750 denotes the revenue generated by January cohort = 35 customers in 0th month. To calculate the NDR (Net Do...